Eat Smart, Not Less with a Calorie Deficit Diet Plan That Just Works.

Go back in time.
Spread the excess and stay on track.

We’re re-imagining what health and nutrition apps can be. Try us for free.

We believe in sustainability.

Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.

Want to stick to your diet plan?
Most fat and weight loss diets fail because they’re too restrictive.
Frustration at not getting it “right” eventually leads to a “forget it” event, leading to a guilt-ridden cycle of binge eating, restricting, and an ever-dreaded “I’ll start my calorie deficit plan again on Monday”

Sound familiar?
We’ve all been there.



Sometimes we can’t be perfect.
We’re inevitably going to go over our allotted nutrition budget for the day.

Allow Ventrickle to adjust.
Instead of throwing your calorie deficit, diet plan and hard work over the week out the window because of a little indulgence over the weekend, press the Rewind button.

Ventrickle will re-distribute the excess in a slight deficit over the following seven to ten days.

It’s limited to three charges per month, aiming to prevent further binging and avoid the development of disorderly eating.

Avoid getting wound up.
Spread the excess and stay on top of your calorie deficit.

Try us for free.

We’re re-imagining what health and nutrition apps can be.

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